local chapter 14.94   Looking for a local chapter?
  new chapter 14.35   A new chapter is beginning.
  final chapter 10.40   Make this the final chapter.
  next chapter 9.81   And that is the next chapter.
  first chapter 7.18   I decided to skip the first chapter.
  latest chapter 6.98   The latest chapter is typical.
  last chapter 5.92   This is the last chapter.
  previous chapter 4.02   The previous chapter?
  following chapter 3.42   The following chapters have two main purposes.
  later chapter 3.23   Some of these appear in later chapters.
  state chapter 2.96   One of four state chapters is in Hollywood.
  social chapter 2.50   Labour, by contrast, says it backs the social chapter.
  the chapter 2.30   The first two chapters are about stress.
  entire chapter 1.71   He devotes an entire chapter to phobias.
  opening chapter 1.45   The opening chapter of the book sets the scene.
  painful chapter 1.25   The film dwells on some painful chapters but skirts others.
  whole chapter 1.25   Charlie, however, took up a whole chapter.
  early chapter 1.12   Her early chapters especially have a grainy intensity.
  separate chapter 1.12   Every craft involved gets a separate chapter.
  earlier chapter 0.99   This problem has been formulated in earlier chapters.
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