use celebrity 2.50   We can use celebrity.
  include celebrity 1.32   The crews include some celebrities.
  have celebrity 1.18   But Little Ricky has celebrities.
  feature celebrity 1.12   Special episodes featuring celebrities before they were stars will be shown Sunday.
  attract celebrity 0.86   It has attracted celebrities like John Travolta, Kirstie Alley and Tom Cruise.
  meet celebrity 0.86   To meet celebrities like Kobe.
  bring celebrity 0.79   It has brought him celebrity, not obscurity.
  enlist celebrity 0.72   Now celebrities are being enlisted for the cause.
  make celebrity 0.72   The film made local celebrities of several people who were chosen to feature in the film.
  see celebrity 0.72   Some came simply to see celebrities.
  interview celebrity 0.59   To interview celebrities who had made it in life.
  love celebrity 0.46   Lawyers love celebrities.
  seek celebrity 0.46   He did not seek celebrity.
  catch celebrity 0.39   The plumbers are living it up on the beaches of St. Tropez, where no celebrity would be caught dead this time of year.
  photograph celebrity 0.39   And so I started photographing celebrities, because they wanted to look glamorous.
  treat celebrity 0.39   The judge said she treated the celebrity like anyone else.
  achieve celebrity 0.33   Some people achieve celebrity and others have it thrust upon them.
  draw celebrity 0.33   Some people draw celebrities like magnets.
  enjoy celebrity 0.33   Neither man survived long enough to enjoy celebrity in his own lifetime.
  handle celebrity 0.33   The unpretentious Manning has handled celebrity with aplomb and civility.
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