new category 11.65   She is now in a new category.
  same category 9.68   Gore is not in the same category.
  different category 7.90   This was a different category of loss.
  major category 7.11   They fall into several major categories.
  broad category 6.85   They fall into two broad categories.
  second category 5.46   I fit into the second category.
  latter category 5.13   Schwartz is in the latter category.
  the category 5.07   The two categories overlapped.
  separate category 3.95   We have a separate category for them.
  first category 3.03   He puts himself in the first category.
  statistical category 3.03   Pick a statistical category.
  special category 2.90   Jazz is a special category.
  third category 2.44   The Mets fit into the third category.
  main category 2.37   This is the main category of patients.
  racial category 2.37   Such people could be randomly assigned to a racial category.
  offensive category 2.11   His numbers are up in every offensive category.
  top category 2.11   Here are some thoughts on the top six categories.
  general category 2.04   They fall into two general categories.
  largest category 2.04   The largest category is loans to home buyers.
  last category 1.97   Put me in the last category.
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