smoke canister 0.59   Petrov said liquid substances could also be found in flares or smoke canisters used by the military.
  full canister 0.53   Out plopped a Styrofoam canister full of wriggling worms.
  metal canister 0.53   Out of the darkness came a squat metal canister.
  plastic canister 0.46   The plastic canisters can cause the bamboo poles to ignite.
  exploding canister 0.39   The fire was blamed on exploding canisters of cooking gas which are used by the pilgrims to cook.
  pyrotechnic canister 0.39   For six years, Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI officials have adamantly denied the use of the pyrotechnic canisters.
  small canister 0.39   The ashtray is a small canister made of heat-resistant plastic.
  special canister 0.33   It is fired from a special canister that fits onto the muzzle of a gun.
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