presidential campaign 144.44   ...a presidential campaign tour in Illinois.
  military campaign 58.59   Any sustained new military campaign would be expensive.
  advertising campaign 52.34   He organized a big advertising campaign.
  bombing campaign 49.64   ...the pinpoint accuracy of the bombing campaigns.
  political campaign 47.66   They ran a well-organized political campaign.
  new campaign 34.36   Bob Dole has a new campaign.
  national campaign 26.33   A national advertising campaign started.
  marketing campaign 24.56   ...a marketing campaign.
  major campaign 16.72   He has called for major campaign reform.
  aggressive campaign 16.46   He ran an aggressive campaign.
  current campaign 15.40   The current campaign already shows similarities.
  anti-terrorism campaign 12.84   But he stood firm on the anti-terrorism campaign.
  lobbying campaign 12.57   Both sides continued a frantic lobbying campaign.
  republican campaign 11.98   Republican campaign operatives are very worried.
  democratic campaign 11.45   The Democratic campaign will come in two stages, Frost said.
  anti-terror campaign 11.13   Bush is waging a worldwide anti-terror campaign.
  international campaign 11.06   Before long an international campaign was under way.
  primary campaign 10.66   A long, possibly chaotic primary campaign looms.
  violent campaign 10.60   Eight white farmers have been killed in the violent campaign.
  nationwide campaign 10.40   GE plans a nationwide advertising campaign to reach owners.
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