find cache 3.62   I find a cache of commas.
  discover cache 3.09   The cache was discovered Sunday.
  seize cache 1.97   They have seized weapons caches.
  uncover cache 1.18   U.S. troops uncover large cache of mortars thought linked to al-Qaida or Taliban.
  hide cache 0.92   Previously found caches were all hidden outdoors.
  have cache 0.59   Hill said the lab had a cache of sodium fluoride for experiments.
  destroy cache 0.53   The troops destroyed the cache.
  keep cache 0.39   He chopped his own wood for heat and kept a cache of food in a root cellar.
  steal cache 0.39   They overpowered civilian workers and a guard and stole a cache of weapons.
  confiscate cache 0.33   Israeli and Palestinian security forces reportedly have been confiscating weapons caches from both sides.
  bury cache 0.26   Hezbollah in the past has hidden rockets in the bush and in valleys and buried caches.
  scrap cache 0.26   The IRA last October agreed to scrap a cache of weapons in confidential cooperation with international disarmament officials.
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