veggie burger 2.17   Veggie burgers.
  turkey burger 0.92   Cook the turkey burgers.
  shrimp burger 0.46   The freshest shrimp are essential to a shrimp burger.
  soy burger 0.46   Soy burgers, soy milk, tofu.
  beef burger 0.39   Try out its Linstorm beef burger, a burger most generous in size.
  buffalo burger 0.39   If you can find the meat in your area, try this recipe for buffalo burgers.
  fast-food burger 0.39   He has never had a fast-food burger.
  tuna burger 0.39   Eighteen of the patients had eaten tuna burgers.
  bacon burger 0.33   Like double bacon burgers with extra cheese, big stores are tough to resist.
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