former bureaucrat 3.36   Can former Soviet bureaucrats become entrepreneurs?
  senior bureaucrat 3.23   The result was a near revolt by senior bureaucrats.
  top bureaucrat 2.63   In the past that was always left to the top bureaucrats.
  japanese bureaucrat 2.04   Japanese bureaucrats feel the same, only more so.
  federal bureaucrat 1.97   Federal bureaucrats balked.
  powerful bureaucrat 1.18   Other senior officers act as powerful bureaucrats.
  state bureaucrat 1.05   Haider has hit home with frequent attacks on fat paychecks for state bureaucrats.
  communist bureaucrat 0.86   Milosevic is a former Communist bureaucrat and banker.
  corrupt bureaucrat 0.86   Some corrupt bureaucrats embezzle the money.
  local bureaucrat 0.72   Here he persuaded a local bureaucrat to supply him and his companions with three elephants.
  faceless bureaucrat 0.66   He had become just another faceless bureaucrat.
  french bureaucrat 0.59   Very few French bureaucrats refused to serve Vichy.
  party bureaucrat 0.59   The six new members include several such technocrats and party bureaucrats.
  low-level bureaucrat 0.53   Father a low-level bureaucrat.
  petty bureaucrat 0.53   One thing Laviolette is not is a petty bureaucrat.
  retired bureaucrat 0.53   Khalid was sworn in Tuesday, along with nine Cabinet ministers, most of them retired bureaucrats or politicians.
  elite bureaucrat 0.46   For decades, ruling politicians have relied on elite bureaucrats who shaped national policy and wrote the laws.
  soviet bureaucrat 0.46   Can former Soviet bureaucrats become entrepreneurs?
  old bureaucrat 0.39   The old Communist bureaucrat has proven he does not know how to govern, only to agitate.
  professional bureaucrat 0.39   Professional bureaucrats are masters of damage control.
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