expectation buoy 1.71   The sector was buoyed by expectations for healthy profit margins this year.
  gain buoy 1.71   Early trading was marked by a stronger peso, buoyed by gains in the yen.
  news buoy 1.38   That news should buoy Lehman.
  optimism buoy 0.72   The banking sector also reversed an early decline, buoyed by optimism for an economic recovery.
  demand buoy 0.59   Increased demand for computers buoyed their profits.
  hope buoy 0.59   The advance was buoyed by hopes new economic stimulus steps will be proposed by the Japanese government.
  report buoy 0.53   BP was also buoyed by reports that it had discovered one of the largest oil fields in Colombia.
  dollar buoy 0.46   A strengthening Canadian dollar also buoyed that optimism.
  growth buoy 0.46   Earnings were buoyed by growth in France and the Netherlands and by strong investment gains.
  prospect buoy 0.46   The dollar, buoyed by prospects for higher yields in the U.S., rose against other major currencies.
  rate buoy 0.46   A steadier Hong Kong interbank overnight rate buoyed the market.
  stock buoy 0.46   Technology stocks buoy the economy.
  forecast buoy 0.39   German bonds, typically buoyed by forecasts of slow growth, were trading higher.
  indication buoy 0.39   Prices also were buoyed by indications that demand is outpacing supply.
  poll buoy 0.39   Gore himself seemed energized by the post-convention swing, buoyed by polls showing he is gaining on, or even besting, Bush.
  rebound buoy 0.39   Stocks shot higher Thursday, buoyed by rebounds in technology and blue chip issues, as the market appeared to find its footing despite worries about corporate profits.
  speculation buoy 0.39   The utility industries also saw strong advances, buoyed by speculation about more takeovers.
  comment buoy 0.33   The greenback was still buoyed by comments in its favor.
  earnings buoy 0.33   The unexpectedly strong earnings buoyed other computer shares rose.
  sale buoy 0.33   Birth control sales buoyed mainly on market growth in Europe and Latin America.
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