steel bullet 3.16   Soldiers fired rubber-coated steel bullets in response.
  police bullet 3.03   I thought I would die by a police bullet.
  hollow-point bullet 2.63   Half of the bullets were hollow-point bullets.
  sniper bullet 2.24   They fear sniper bullets.
  rifle bullet 0.92   A rifle bullet is also planned.
  large-caliber bullet 0.79   Seven large-caliber bullets hit the white sedan.
  cop-killer bullet 0.53   A ban on cop-killer bullets.
  dum-dum bullet 0.53   They are sweating dum-dum bullets here.
  pistol bullet 0.46   Conde spun to confront them, and was chewed apart by pistol bullets and shotgun pellets.
  high-velocity bullet 0.33   But on Sunday night, they said, the response was high-velocity bullets.
  fire bullet 0.26   A gun is known to fire bullets at precisely three hundred and thirty meters per second.
  small-caliber bullet 0.26   A car will stop or deflect a small-caliber bullet fired toward you.
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