russian brigade 1.32   The Russian brigade makes up part of the American sector in northeast Bosnia.
  mobile brigade 1.05   The mobile brigade will also be headed by a brigadier general, he added.
  elite brigade 0.86   The brown beret of the elite Golani brigade was tucked under his epaulete.
  joint brigade 0.72   His country is working on setting up a joint military brigade with Poland and the Czech Republic.
  military brigade 0.72   She also has proposed a joint Russian-NATO military brigade.
  multinational brigade 0.66   They will serve in multinational brigade under command of French sector commander in Mostar.
  the brigade 0.66   Kulikov has always insisted that the two brigades should stay.
  special brigade 0.59   Special brigades of police patrol the tourist zones of Old Havana.
  armored brigade 0.53   But it later sent an armored brigade to assist Syria on the Golan Heights.
  combat brigade 0.46   The Army has already created two light combat brigades with plans for four more.
  international brigade 0.46   The international brigades soon after were withdrawn from Spain by international agreement.
  franco-german brigade 0.39   It is the first operation for the Franco-German brigade, which was set up eight years ago.
  new brigade 0.33   New anti-crime brigades are to be formed, a National Criminology Institute established and programs drafted to aid victims.
  remaining brigade 0.33   President Boris Yeltsin ordered the pullout of the two remaining Russian brigades from Chechnya last month.
  spanish brigade 0.33   Earlier in the day, Juan Carlos visited the Spanish brigade of the NATO-led peace force in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  mechanised brigade 0.26   He said the Saudis had moved two mechanised brigades and one armoured brigade toward the border.
  mechanized brigade 0.26   The mechanized brigade routinely practices maneuvers among the pine trees and swamps at Ft. Stewart.
  peacekeeping brigade 0.26   Albright also brought with her a suggestion made this week to set up a joint NATO-Russian peacekeeping brigade.
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