heavy breathing 2.37   Heavy breathing.
  deep breathing 1.78   Now do a long deep breathing.
  rapid breathing 0.79   -- Rapid breathing.
  labored breathing 0.72   Effects range from labored breathing to death.
  proper breathing 0.59   In some cases, proper breathing can provide a cure.
  controlled breathing 0.53   Perhaps controlled breathing and a few key words would have saved Dalton and Co that day.
  hard breathing 0.53   He has ridden an exercise bike to get use to breathing hard through the pain.
  shallow breathing 0.53   Other physical responses include shallow breathing, a rapid heart rate, and nausea.
  rhythmic breathing 0.39   Then slowly release the legs and relax doing rhythmic breathing.
  correct breathing 0.33   Pilates instructors also teach correct breathing and urge concentration on form for best results.
  irregular breathing 0.33   He suffered muscle damage, dehydration and irregular breathing.
  normal breathing 0.33   During normal breathing, air flows freely in and out of the lungs.
  easier breathing 0.26   For athletes, breathing easier will mean more air resistance and slower speeds.
  ragged breathing 0.26   His ragged breathing.
  regular breathing 0.26   Steroid nasal sprays can also be used to improve regular breathing.
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