body bore 2.70   Her body bore no old bruises.
  attack bore 1.38   The attack bore all the hallmarks of a loyalist murder bid.
  car bore 0.99   The car bore false number plates.
  letter bore 0.79   The letter bore no signature.
  face bore 0.53   His face bore the marks of many missions.
  man bore 0.46   The men were boring a hole for the tunnel.
  wall bore 0.46   Walls bore the scars of dozens of bullets and grenades.
  effort bore 0.39   Their efforts bore fruit.
  bomb bore 0.33   The London bomb bore the same postmark.
  document bore 0.33   For example, one document bore a ZIP code years before ZIP codes went into effect.
  eye bore 0.33   His eyes bore right through me.
  game bore 0.33   But nobody says the games are boring any more.
  government bore 0.33   But Turkey said the government bore some responsibility.
  killing bore 0.33   The killings bore all the hallmarks of a contract killing.
  one bore 0.33   You know, as in, which one bore more excitement and panache.
  police bore 0.33   The man tore off his jacket to reveal a protest-labelled T-shirt, which police said bore Maori slogans.
  child bore 0.26   The child bore a striking resemblance to his father.
  crash bore 0.26   The crash bore eerie similarities to two other recent China Airlines crashes.
  device bore 0.26   Police said earlier that the device bore the hallmarks of the IRA.
  explosion bore 0.26   Both explosions bore the hallmark of the group, which is backed by Iran.
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