condemn bombing 13.36   Arafat condemned the bombing.
  follow bombing 7.04   The ban was imposed following the bombings.
  stop bombing 5.60   Stop the bombing.
  blame bombing 5.53   The bombings were blamed on rebels.
  include bombing 5.13   This could include suicide bombings.
  investigate bombing 4.81   He also investigated bombings.
  carry bombing 4.48   Hired hands reportedly carried out bombings.
  plan bombing 3.75   Suspect accused with planning airplane bombings.
  claim bombing 3.36   The Hezbollah also claimed the bombing.
  order bombing 3.29   Who ordered the bombing?
  halt bombing 2.50   He has called on his followers to halt terrorist bombings.
  prevent bombing 2.44   It would not prevent suicide bombings.
  end bombing 2.24   Lavrov said NATO must end the bombing.
  denounce bombing 2.17   Wallace denounced the bombing.
  mastermind bombing 2.17   Prosecutors have accused Yousef of masterminding the bombing.
  link bombing 2.04   It was not clear whether the two bombings were linked.
  oppose bombing 1.58   Russia opposed the bombing.
  protest bombing 1.58   He rails against the youths who protested his bombing of Cambodia.
  finance bombing 1.38   The theft was used to finance the bombing.
  report bombing 1.38   Police reported no bombing.
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