aerial bombardment 6.85   Aerial bombardment will not stop him.
  heavy bombardment 5.53   Reports indicated heavy U.S. bombardment of the city.
  israeli bombardment 4.67   At sundown, the Israeli bombardments began.
  russian bombardment 3.95   They have suffered intense Russian bombardments.
  intense bombardment 2.63   They have suffered intense Russian bombardments.
  constant bombardment 1.97   The result is a constant bombardment of radiation.
  massive bombardment 1.51   About an hour later, the massive bombardment began.
  retaliatory bombardment 1.25   No casualties were reported from the retaliatory bombardments.
  naval bombardment 1.18   There are caves and hidden gun emplacements that the naval bombardment did not damage.
  intensive bombardment 0.92   Eventually, after an intensive Israeli bombardment of Beirut, the PLO left.
  american bombardment 0.79   The American bombardment was aimed all along the front lines of Taliban forces.
  fierce bombardment 0.72   Russian artillery unleashes a fierce bombardment of Grozny as refugees pour out ahead of the deadline.
  daily bombardment 0.66   Daily bombardment of south Lebanon?
  heaviest bombardment 0.66   Wednesday night saw the heaviest bombardment yet of Kabul.
  serb bombardment 0.66   But the worry of a Serb bombardment remains.
  military bombardment 0.53   Instead the threshold for a military bombardment is being raised.
  relentless bombardment 0.53   But this relentless bombardment of state-sanctioned homicide is another matter entirely.
  sustained bombardment 0.53   A palace coup seems unlikely, even in the face of sustained American aerial bombardment.
  continued bombardment 0.46   But Verheugen called for continued NATO bombardment of Serbia to make President Slobodan Milosevic stop his offensive in Kosovo.
  latest bombardment 0.46   Casualty figures from the latest bombardment were not known.
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