dumb blonde 1.05   A dumb blonde?
  young blonde 0.66   ...a luscious young blonde.
  beautiful blonde 0.46   No beautiful blondes with Betty Grable legs.
  natural blonde 0.39   Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure.
  tall blonde 0.39   The tall blonde was performing some art.
  blue-eyed blonde 0.33   That girl, a blue-eyed blonde, teased the boys and surely thought one day she would marry.
  leggy blonde 0.33   Donald Trump and his succession of leggy blondes.
  pretty blonde 0.33   Play he has in recent months, usually with pretty blondes in tow.
  petite blonde 0.26   The petite blonde then raised her clenched fists in the air to acknowledge the cheers of the audience.
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