snow blanket 3.03   More snow blanketed the city Thursday.
  fog blanket 0.72   At dusk, a thick fog blanketed Amman.
  ash blanket 0.59   Instead of snow, ash blanketed the ground.
  haze blanket 0.46   Haze blanketed the communities, where residents waited anxiously for news.
  smoke blanket 0.46   Acrid smoke blankets the area.
  blizzard blanket 0.39   On the February day she had planned to go, a blizzard blanketed Moscow.
  snowfall blanket 0.39   Unexpected snowfalls blanketed Alpine areas since Wednesday, causing an emergency situation for the Giro.
  weather blanket 0.39   Mild weather blanketed much of the U.S. during the past week.
  cloud blanket 0.33   A huge cloud of dust blankets lower Manhattan.
  inch blanket 0.33   More than a yard of hot ash was dumped on Lopeivi, and several inches blanketed Palma.
  snowstorm blanket 0.33   On the second day of the climb, a fierce snowstorm blanketed the mountain.
  storm blanket 0.33   A major storm blanketed the Northeast with a foot or more of snow on Saturday, while lighter snow was scattered across the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley.
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