rotor blade 3.29   All six rotor blades of helicopter damaged.
  steel blade 3.23   Position steel blade in food processor bowl.
  turbine blade 2.04   The unit makes turbine blades and castings for aircraft makers.
  knife blade 1.97   Wood splinters clung to the knife blade.
  fan blade 1.78   If the fan blades fail at any stage, the engine fails.
  saw blade 1.58   The Romans made iron saw blades.
  wiper blade 1.51   Check your windshield wiper blades.
  skate blade 1.45   He cut himself with his own skate blade.
  hacksaw blade 1.25   Or you could cut it off with a hacksaw blade.
  helicopter blade 1.12   The helicopter blades were still rotating, he said.
  propeller blade 1.12   The other, he said, is related to the missing propeller blade.
  grass blade 1.05   The first symptom of the disease is yellowing grass blades.
  roller blade 0.86   A pair of roller blades.
  mower blade 0.79   The kits include a new mower blade and modified mulching fans.
  replacement blade 0.53   That is not a problem because replacement blades are readily available.
  leaf blade 0.46   The deeply dissected leaf blades is typical of this species.
  stick blade 0.46   Hull bent his stick blade to the point where it was referred to as a banana blade.
  diamond blade 0.26   The tool has a circular diamond blade.
  lawnmower blade 0.26   You can sharpen your lawnmower blade with a file.
  screwdriver blade 0.26   Remove it by sliding a screwdriver blade under the ring and pulling it off the stem.
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