investor bet 33.51   Few investors bet that badly.
  trader bet 5.53   And many traders are betting on it.
  company bet 4.02   Foreign wine companies are also betting on India.
  people bet 1.84   People bet.
  analyst bet 1.78   Analysts are betting yes, but there are obstacles.
  player bet 1.18   Some players bet on their games.
  manager bet 0.92   Other managers are betting on the same phenomenon.
  speculator bet 0.92   Now speculators are betting it will get cheaper.
  market bet 0.79   And what is the market betting?
  gambler bet 0.66   Gamblers also can bet on Maryland races other than those at Laurel Park.
  opportunity bet 0.66   Rising optimism bodes ill for contrarian investors, who look for opportunities to bet against the crowd, not with it.
  official bet 0.53   GM officials are betting it will be.
  sport bet 0.46   Surveys of college students and student athletes have found that illegal sports betting is rampant.
  best bet 0.39   The best bet?
  executive bet 0.39   Executives bet on the rebels.
  government bet 0.39   The government is betting this trend will boost business confidence, and thus investment and jobs.
  industry bet 0.39   The industry is betting that consumers will latch onto the idea.
  seller bet 0.39   Short sellers bet a stock will fall.
  bank bet 0.33   One way banks can bet against the peso is to borrow pesos and then use the proceeds to buy dollars.
  buyer bet 0.33   Futures buyers are betting they will go even higher.
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