remain below 12.18   Coastal seas remain below normal.
  list below 8.23   A few are listed below.
  live below 7.31   Does he live below Thomas?
  dip below 7.11   The sun dipped below the horizon.
  trade below 4.74   All are trading below their sale price.
  lie below 4.15   Most of the Netherlands lies below sea level.
  sell below 3.82   Discount notes are bonds sold below their face value.
  describe below 3.69   Each option is described below.
  perform below 3.03   The two who kept their balance performed below par.
  drop below 2.90   Overnight temperatures now routinely drop below freezing.
  rank below 2.90   He ranks far below his superior.
  stay below 2.70   Peter stayed below Deck.
  be below 2.50   Extracts and below are examples.
  discuss below 2.37   The techniques are discussed below.
  sit below 2.30   Defense lawyers sat below.
  give below 2.24   An example is given below.
  fall below 2.04   But he barely fell below.
  hit below 2.04   The comments hit below the belt.
  amputate below 1.91   The leg was amputated below the knee.
  outline below 1.91   The two Programmes are outlined below.
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