disco beat 1.05   White set the crooner tradition to a disco beat.
  different beat 0.92   Yes, it has a different beat.
  hip-hop beat 0.86   Da Newz bounces to the hip-hop beat.
  sure beat 0.86   Sure beats Jersey!
  steady beat 0.72   In a lot of Vivaldi, players can keep time according to a steady beat mutually felt.
  same beat 0.59   But not everyone is grooving to the same beat.
  driving beat 0.53   Their driving beat is infectious, and those lilting voices are intriguing.
  electronic beat 0.53   And we put different beats in there, electronic beats.
  good beat 0.53   And it has a good beat.
  latin beat 0.53   The shin begins to throb to a Latin beat.
  pounding beat 0.53   The collection was presented to the pounding beat of aggressive rock music.
  bass beat 0.46   Sounds to parents like A Moms Mabley record pumped up with bass beats.
  getting beat 0.46   He knows the difference between getting beat and beating ourselves.
  musical beat 0.46   Stroke victims use musical beats to learn to walk again.
  regular beat 0.46   For a while, some newspapers covered prisons as a regular beat.
  heavy beat 0.39   Cars were drawn up close to the court, doors open, pumping out a heavy urban beat into the sultry air.
  irregular beat 0.39   The irregular beats continue whenever Horry exerts himself, but the pain has subsided.
  little beat 0.39   This is a guy that marches to a little different beat.
  new beat 0.39   But Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is confident Aikman can dance to a new beat.
  pulsing beat 0.39   Think Tour-de-France cyclists bouncing to a pulsing disco beat.
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