recharge battery 7.37   It just recharges my battery.
  use battery 3.69   The pump uses standard batteries.
  charge battery 3.09   It charges my batteries.
  have battery 2.70   It also had batteries.
  undergo battery 2.37   Reynolds underwent a battery of tests earlier this week.
  change battery 1.65   Change the batteries twice a year.
  replace battery 1.51   I replaced the battery.
  remove battery 1.38   Remove the battery.
  drain battery 1.25   His battery was drained and he was in a panic.
  take battery 1.18   It does not take batteries.
  buy battery 0.99   --Buy batteries?
  make battery 0.99   Lead is used principally to make car batteries.
  deploy battery 0.86   Patriot anti-missile batteries were deployed the same month.
  sell battery 0.86   They are on sale in stores where batteries are usually sold.
  check battery 0.79   -- Check the battery.
  install battery 0.79   Four new batteries were installed by the Atlantis crew.
  pass battery 0.72   Holyfield passed a battery of physical tests Thursday.
  require battery 0.72   It does not require a battery.
  face battery 0.66   Weld then emerged from his office to face a battery of reporters.
  keep battery 0.66   Keep fresh batteries in smoke detectors.
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