trade barrier 52.47   He advocated the removal of trade barriers.
  language barrier 16.72   Not the language barrier.
  vapor barrier 6.98   This is the vapor barrier.
  non-tariff barrier 5.13   These were then viewed as non-tariff barrier to trade.
  police barrier 4.15   At the police barriers, the anger was palpable.
  tariff barrier 3.82   Smaller countries can band together to reinstate tariff barriers.
  security barrier 3.03   They crossed no security barrier.
  color barrier 2.37   The color barrier in baseball was absolute.
  tire barrier 2.37   His car disintigrated as it crashed backwards into a tire barrier.
  safety barrier 1.91   Gaping holes loom behind safety barriers.
  custom barrier 1.78   Customs barriers between Russia and Belarus fall this week.
  import barrier 1.65   But many other steel products would be exempted from any import barriers.
  gender barrier 1.51   Some individual researchers are already breaking the gender barrier.
  protectionist barrier 1.51   The US approach aims at bulldozing through protectionist barriers to investment.
  species barrier 1.32   The species barrier is gone.
  market barrier 1.18   Such reforms include lowering market barriers.
  crowd barrier 1.12   Crowd barriers ringed the Palais des Congress where the Front was meeting.
  traffic barrier 0.86   Wham, I rebound into the traffic barrier.
  class barrier 0.79   Even in death, class barriers were preserved.
  pain barrier 0.79   We have no pain barrier.
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