declare bankruptcy 18.30   Declare bankruptcy.
  face bankruptcy 7.37   Many companies face bankruptcy.
  avoid bankruptcy 5.60   Above all, avoid bankruptcy.
  file bankruptcy 2.90   File bankruptcy?
  avert bankruptcy 1.18   The company barely averted bankruptcy in January.
  stave_off bankruptcy 0.99   She staved off bankruptcy and got the company out of debt.
  enter bankruptcy 0.86   The companies entered bankruptcy the next day.
  prevent bankruptcy 0.79   Instead, it should prevent corporate bankruptcy.
  use bankruptcy 0.72   Retailers often use bankruptcy as a chance to regroup and close unprofitable stores.
  announce bankruptcy 0.59   Many local retailers have announced bankruptcy.
  escape bankruptcy 0.59   Hyundai Engineering barely escaped bankruptcy last week.
  near bankruptcy 0.59   Excessive debt pushed Simint to near bankruptcy.
  disclose bankruptcy 0.53   Both Schneiders also face a charge of failure to disclose bankruptcy.
  seek bankruptcy 0.53   Bre-X seeks bankruptcy after gold hoax crushes stock.
  cause bankruptcy 0.39   What caused the bankruptcy?
  follow bankruptcy 0.39   Revenues have risen since, following the bankruptcy of a leading competitor and problems at other manufacturers.
  force bankruptcy 0.39   Sensing this, banks had been hesitating to pull the trigger and force bankruptcies.
  consider bankruptcy 0.33   If all else fails, consider bankruptcy.
  mean bankruptcy 0.33   She wants to be left alone -- but not if it means bankruptcy.
  risk bankruptcy 0.33   Where personal reputation is so important, entrepreneurs are unwilling to risk bankruptcy.
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