devalue baht 3.49   That same month, Thailand devalued the baht.
  defend baht 1.84   Why did he want to defend the baht?
  float baht 1.51   Chavalit was forced to float the baht.
  buy baht 0.86   Those investors will be targeted as they try to buy baht back, he said.
  stabilise baht 0.72   Additional stand-by credit would ease liquidity and stabilise the baht, paving the way for interest rates to fall.
  sell baht 0.66   Investors sold the baht as they sold Thai assets.
  peg baht 0.53   Thailand eventually had to abandon its policy of pegging the baht to a basket of currencies, primarily the dollar.
  support baht 0.46   The central bank mainly supported the baht by buying dollars in the foreign exchange market.
  protect baht 0.33   He said his government needed to strike a balance between high interest rates to protect the baht and export competitiveness.
  attack baht 0.26   Soros has denied attacking the baht, which the government allowed to float in July last year.
  borrow baht 0.26   In such transactions, traders borrow baht and immediately sell them, hoping to buy them back later at a weaker rate.
  drive baht 0.26   Chatu Mongol said the weakened baht is driven by natural causes.
  overvalue baht 0.26   Chaiyawat would argue that the baht was not overvalued.
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