financial backing 19.03   Deep financial backing.
  strong backing 12.71   I have very strong backing by the black community.
  full backing 6.52   Venables gave Hoddle his full backing.
  political backing 4.15   Yiddish has no political backing.
  public backing 4.02   His message has huge public backing.
  international backing 3.95   They hope to receive international financial backing for it.
  military backing 2.50   Pinochet clearly retains a large military backing.
  broad backing 1.91   It has broad Republican backing.
  bipartisan backing 1.84   The test ban also has had bipartisan backing.
  official backing 1.71   There was some official backing for Ma, however.
  solid backing 1.58   The union said the walkout received solid backing.
  unanimous backing 1.58   She had yet to find unanimous backing.
  congressional backing 1.38   The situation has undermined congressional backing for Zedillo himself.
  firm backing 1.25   The military has stated its firm backing for Suryadi.
  arab backing 1.18   U.S. obtains Arab backing against Iraq, official says.
  enthusiastic backing 1.05   These pledges won enthusiastic backing from predominantly white business.
  parliamentary backing 1.05   He does not need parliamentary backing for such a freeze.
  popular backing 1.05   New army offensive wins popular backing.
  corporate backing 0.99   Seek corporate backing?
  crucial backing 0.92   Williams gave crucial initial backing to the museum.
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