crack baby 0.99   I want to hold the crack babies.
  full-term baby 0.99   Small full-term babies generally do well.
  girl baby 0.59   I think girl babies are as wonderful as boy babies.
  bonus baby 0.53   A true bonus baby.
  day baby 0.53   Being alone with a baby all day bored her to tears.
  low-birthweight baby 0.46   And older women, overall, run a higher risk of delivering a low-birthweight baby.
  birth-weight baby 0.39   Feeding problems are more prevalent among low birth-weight babies.
  boy baby 0.39   Air Swoopes, alas, is having a boy baby.
  breech baby 0.39   They were breech babies, born feet first.
  birth baby 0.33   And more low birth weight babies are surviving, thanks to improvements in intensive care.
  year baby 0.33   I give birth to six babies every year.
  birthweight baby 0.26   Southeast Phoenix has more low birthweight babies, who are more prone to respiratory problems.
  millennium baby 0.26   The frenzy to conceive a millennium baby is a tad ironic.
  thalidomide baby 0.26   Many other thalidomide babies died.
  twin baby 0.26   Today they are here, together with their twin babies.
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