have average 1.78   We have stock market averages setting new records.
  spend average 1.78   They had spent an average of nine years on the drug.
  take average 0.79   Take averages of the classes.
  beat average 0.72   You can beat the averages if you learn to swim.
  score average 0.72   As shooting proficiency has dropped, so have scoring averages.
  wait average 0.72   The winner then must wait an average of two weeks to take possession of the shares.
  represent average 0.53   The figures given represent an average over the year.
  use average 0.53   We used the average of the two scores.
  depress average 0.46   Their relatively low pay may depress averages for the economy.
  double average 0.46   That is almost double the average.
  get average 0.46   From a large hive, he can get an average of five bottles of honey.
  live average 0.46   They live an average of four years after being diagnosed.
  calculate average 0.39   High and low scores were thrown out and an average was calculated.
  push average 0.39   Mild selling then pushed the average back into negative territory.
  support average 0.39   In Tokyo, the Nikkei stock average was supported by a late rally in futures.
  add average 0.33   I suggest that we add stock market averages to that list.
  allow average 0.33   Work schedules allow an average of seven days-off in a month.
  approach average 0.33   Judging by its stock price lately, IBM has not even approached average.
  hit average 0.33   Broader market averages were hit even harder.
  produce average 0.33   To produce your average design miracle in fact.
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