say attorney 7.70   Weiss was getting therapy, said her attorney, Ellis Rubin.
  have attorney 5.07   Nearly all had an attorney.
  hire attorney 4.94   I hired an attorney.
  retain attorney 2.37   You may need to retain an attorney.
  appoint attorney 2.11   No attorney has been appointed.
  consult attorney 1.78   Consult an attorney.
  tell attorney 1.45   He told an attorney it was a mile away.
  contact attorney 1.32   Attorneys were contacted.
  call attorney 0.99   He backed down after a threat to call an attorney.
  lead attorney 0.99   That led the attorney to his most explosive description.
  defense attorney 0.92   The admission was not made known to defense attorneys.
  include attorney 0.92   Attorneys for the defendants, including Artco attorney Gordon Nash, had no comment today.
  find attorney 0.86   Relatives helped him find attorneys.
  ask attorney 0.79   Owen asked attorneys for the shippers.
  fire attorney 0.79   Akayesu has fired attorneys three times.
  hug attorney 0.79   He then hugged his attorneys.
  afford attorney 0.66   If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
  district attorney 0.66   He is the grown-up Michael, now an assistant district attorney.
  pay attorney 0.66   She must pay the attorneys.
  bar attorney 0.59   He barred those attorneys from listening in or attending the deposition.
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