sit atop 21.86   It sits atop a figure of a lion.
  stand atop 8.10   They stood atop the mountain in triumph.
  perch atop 4.08   Bald eagles perch atop telephone poles.
  build atop 2.96   The Viaducto is built atop a former riverbed.
  lie atop 2.44   Turkey lies atop active fault lines.
  finish atop 2.37   He never finished atop the point standings.
  stay atop 2.11   He stayed atop the leaderboard until he ran into trouble.
  remain atop 1.45   The storied marquee will remain atop the building.
  rest atop 1.05   Still-to-be-repaired machines rest atop the railing.
  serve atop 0.92   Serve atop lamb and rice.
  tie atop 0.92   The three are tied atop the Big Sky.
  live atop 0.72   A man who lives atop a mountain here communes with the dead.
  appear atop 0.59   When it appears atop our heads, we race to erase it.
  find atop 0.59   You can find them atop the leaderboard.
  see atop 0.59   Snipers were seen atop buildings.
  lay atop 0.46   Each fish fillet is laid atop a bed of greens surrounded with the sauce.
  pose atop 0.46   She was prancing around the living room, then stopping to pose atop a rug.
  situate atop 0.46   With the air bag situated atop the dash, the glove box was roomy.
  stack atop 0.46   Three panels will roll to one side and three to the other, stacking atop each other.
  launch atop 0.39   The previous ones were launched atop U.S. rockets.
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