unknown assailant 19.35   Holland was shot dead by unknown assailants Friday night.
  unidentified assailant 16.72   The unidentified assailants escaped.
  the assailant 6.06   The other assailant escaped.
  armed assailant 2.90   Armed assailants sometime attack motorists snared by the traffic.
  palestinian assailant 2.44   The two Palestinian assailants died in a gun battle.
  alleged assailant 2.17   The cops never did find the alleged assailant.
  masked assailant 2.11   The masked assailant fled, said police spokesman Rafi Yaffe.
  suspected assailant 1.78   The suspected assailant was later arrested.
  second assailant 0.86   Officials said there might be a second assailant holed up in the garage.
  potential assailant 0.53   The U.S. equipment will help soldiers and police manning roadblocks identify potential assailants.
  single assailant 0.53   A blood trail leading away from two bodies slashed by a single assailant.
  would-be assailant 0.46   Forget whether school prayer will make would-be assailants fling down their assault rifles.
  lone assailant 0.39   ...a lone assailant wielding a kitchen knife.
  third assailant 0.39   A third assailant was wounded.
  black assailant 0.26   Was it because of all the disproportionate media coverage of crime committed by black assailants?
  male assailant 0.26   But his colleague managed to shoot the male assailant in the stomach and thigh.
  only assailant 0.26   Mason, the police said, was the only assailant identified.
  other assailant 0.26   Police arrested the other three assailants.
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