government army 28.57   The same is true of the government army, he said.
  rebel army 17.25   The rebel army is on the move.
  guerrilla army 7.70   Has anyone defeated a guerrilla army?
  federation army 1.45   Training of federation army units also had begun, he said.
  coalition army 0.86   A U.S.-led coalition army drove Iraq from Kuwait seven months later.
  occupation army 0.72   But this is unlikely to save the occupation army.
  opposition army 0.72   Strength of opposition army remains in doubt.
  week army 0.72   Kurdish rebels continued to challenge the army this week.
  year army 0.66   The rest of Jaffna peninsula fell to the army this year.
  liberation army 0.46   It replaced a national Kurdistan liberation army he had formed only a few months earlier.
  militia army 0.46   The militia army remains the backbone of the sturdy Alpine defense system.
  all-volunteer army 0.39   Retired Gen. Colin L. Powell is mobilizing another all-volunteer army.
  minority army 0.39   All three groups have severely criticized the minority Tutsi army for extensive human rights abuses.
  reserve army 0.39   The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly.
  resistance army 0.39   Indonesia invaded in December that year, and Gusmao joined the resistance army.
  exile army 0.33   The exile army twice has won large-scale battles with Iranian troops.
  intervention army 0.33   Soldiers in an eight-nation African intervention army said the attack began late Monday.
  rag-tag army 0.33   In Sarajevo, the once rag-tag army now wears camouflage uniforms.
  three-star army 0.33   A spokesman for Attorney General Andi Mohammad Ghalib, who is a three-star army general, said Suharto might be summoned again.
  guerilla army 0.26   The government, however, has accused UNITA of not dismantling its entire guerilla army.
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