screen applicant 3.23   Officials are now screening applicants.
  attract applicant 1.58   The London weekday franchise attracted five applicants.
  reject applicant 1.45   Most new applicants will be rejected.
  interview applicant 1.32   He interviewed job applicants.
  admit applicant 0.86   No over-age applicants would be admitted.
  accept applicant 0.79   Though no French is required, some cooking experience is, and not all applicants are accepted.
  ask applicant 0.79   Following are a few questions experts suggest asking applicants.
  consider applicant 0.79   This did not mean the company would not consider other applicants.
  find applicant 0.66   Q. I manage a branch in an area where it is very difficult to find job applicants.
  notify applicant 0.66   Applicants will be notified in August.
  turn applicant 0.66   The center must sometimes turn away applicants.
  rank applicant 0.53   Exam school applicants are now ranked on a combination of grades and tests.
  select applicant 0.53   We selected four applicants for interview.
  hire applicant 0.46   Those applicants were hired.
  identify applicant 0.46   The agency declined to identify the applicants Monday.
  include applicant 0.46   The first informal summit held in November in Jakarta included ASEAN applicants Burma, Cambodia and Laos.
  discourage applicant 0.39   A longer training period may be discouraging some applicants.
  help applicant 0.39   Some groups that promise to help applicants charge a hefty share of the savings.
  judge applicant 0.39   And what are the best criteria for judging applicants.
  require applicant 0.39   The contest required applicants to write a letter they would liked to have received during their illness.
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