be appear 11.85   And it appears He is.
  fighting appear 3.23   The fighting appeared to slow Wednesday.
  have appear 2.96   It appears he has.
  fight appear 1.65   Fighting appeared to have subsided Monday.
  shelling appear 1.25   But the shelling did not appear to be a deliberate provocation.
  vote appear 0.92   Voting outside Dili appeared less relaxed.
  voting appear 0.79   The voting also appeared to be going quicker.
  take appear 0.53   It appears they took action to avoid a lorry.
  lose appear 0.46   Now it appears he lost his life at the hands of the people he worked to defeat.
  make appear 0.46   When it appeared that Clinton did make calls from the Oval Office, the strategy changed.
  do appear 0.39   And it appears they did not.
  go appear 0.39   It appears something went badly awry.
  trade appear 0.39   Trading Friday appeared company-specific.
  come appear 0.33   In such an oppressive patriarchal culture, coming of age appears to be a very mixed blessing.
  die appear 0.33   His publicist, David Granoff, said it appeared Rios died of a heart attack.
  smoke appear 0.33   Smoking may appear to enhance that self-image in a variety of ways.
  win appear 0.33   Winning the election appears unlikely at this point.
  find appear 0.26   But officials said Thursday that it appears investigators found little to support that theory.
  leave appear 0.26   Does it appear I left in rage?
  poll appear 0.26   Polling appeared to begin peacefully Saturday morning under a light drizzle.
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