use ammunition 7.11   No live ammunition will be used.
  provide ammunition 5.99   It provides some ammunition for both.
  give ammunition 4.21   And Peete had given them ammunition.
  fire ammunition 3.82   The army denied it fired live ammunition.
  have ammunition 2.70   Ms. Feldman does have fresh ammunition.
  carry ammunition 1.58   The wagons carried spare ammunition.
  find ammunition 0.86   No ammunition was found in the pockets.
  live ammunition 0.86   It was not known if they were using live ammunition.
  shoot ammunition 0.79   But the arrangement somehow failed, and Amir shot live ammunition.
  get ammunition 0.59   We were having trouble getting ammunition.
  store ammunition 0.59   Store the ammunition separately.
  supply ammunition 0.59   Robertson has denied urging commando raids or supplying ammunition.
  take ammunition 0.53   When he angrily refused, she took his ammunition instead.
  involve ammunition 0.46   The local Liberty Times reported Saturday the early April drill will involve live ammunition.
  load ammunition 0.46   Because of his injuries, he was not among those ordered to load ammunition.
  make ammunition 0.46   Israel radio said the factory makes ammunition.
  need ammunition 0.46   In short, the war against TB needs better ammunition.
  sell ammunition 0.46   Only two stores in the city sell ammunition.
  smuggle ammunition 0.46   They were accused of smuggling ammunition from neighboring Sudan into Egypt.
  contain ammunition 0.39   Workers cleaning the basement for the new owner discovered wooden boxes containing ammunition.
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