lightweight aluminum 1.05   The lightweight aluminum collar fits around the neck.
  brushed aluminum 0.99   Also, iTunes appearance is strikingly similar to iMovie, sort of a brushed aluminum.
  heavy-duty aluminum 0.86   Cover pan with heavy-duty aluminum foil.
  primary aluminum 0.72   The company said the reprocessed metal will be equal in quality to primary aluminum.
  new aluminum 0.66   Q. I am putting up new aluminum storms.
  small aluminum 0.66   Afterward we jumped into a small aluminum boat.
  state-owned aluminum 0.59   And stakes of state-owned aluminum and steel companies will be offered on equity markets next year.
  anodized aluminum 0.53   I yearn for the even heating of heavy, hard anodized aluminum.
  corrugated aluminum 0.53   Roofs of corrugated aluminum top rows of squat houses.
  disposable aluminum 0.53   Avoid disposable aluminum pans.
  extruded aluminum 0.46   Chassis sections and roof pillars are made of extruded aluminum.
  painted aluminum 0.46   With this painted aluminum, glass and steel extravaganza, he succeeded.
  twisted aluminum 0.46   A pile of twisted aluminum and ashes in a Griffin airplane graveyard is famous.
  polished aluminum 0.39   Here, polished aluminum tie-downs hide in spring-loaded recesses.
  recycled aluminum 0.39   Packaging is recycled aluminum, too.
  thin aluminum 0.39   His cooling system failed on one of the hottest days of the year, and the thin aluminum seat on which he sat became a hot coal.
  crumpled aluminum 0.33   The tin roof looked like a piece of crumpled aluminum foil.
  heavy aluminum 0.33   Cut a sword out of cardboard and wrap it in heavy aluminum.
  higher aluminum 0.33   Alcan Aluminium Ltd. may benefit from higher aluminum prices.
  hollow aluminum 0.33   But it is only a hollow aluminum shell.
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