violate airspace 11.32   Cuba claims the planes violated its airspace.
  enter airspace 7.57   He denied U.S. aircraft enter Chinese airspace.
  use airspace 5.66   Kazakstan already allows coalition aircraft to use its airspace.
  open airspace 1.91   Croatia has opened its airspace, if needed, for NATO planes.
  close airspace 1.71   Israel closed its airspace to foreign carriers.
  cross airspace 1.51   Both teams are waiting for permission from China to cross its airspace.
  leave airspace 1.05   The plane left British airspace.
  penetrate airspace 0.79   Havana says the planes penetrated Cuban airspace.
  control airspace 0.72   Like controlling airspace.
  offer airspace 0.72   Officials of all three nations have offered their airspace to the United States.
  approach airspace 0.46   The fighter jets were sent up to track the plane as it approached Chinese airspace.
  avoid airspace 0.46   Until now the airlines had to take detours to avoid North Korean airspace.
  share airspace 0.46   Erbakan had previoulsy denounced the accord, which lets Turkish and Israeli fighter planes share airspace for training.
  monitor airspace 0.39   NATO planes monitor Bosnian airspace to enforce a UN-mandated no-fly zone.
  invade airspace 0.33   St. Nick will circle the globe by sleigh, careful not to invade Iraqi airspace.
  restrict airspace 0.33   Ito has restricted airspace to keep news helicopters from hovering overhead.
  clear airspace 0.26   The plane cleared Chinese airspace.
  defend airspace 0.26   Iraq, it said, merely defends its airspace.
  overfly airspace 0.26   The action also delayed aircraft overflying French airspace, normally co-ordinated by French controllers.
  patrol airspace 0.26   The Western allies patrol the airspace to prevent Iraq from flying over the area.
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