military airfield 8.69   There is also a military airfield in the capital.
  nearby airfield 1.05   The aircraft had just taken off from a nearby airfield.
  serb airfield 1.05   NATO wanted to bomb a Serb airfield in Bosnia.
  small airfield 0.79   Erm there is a need for a small airfield Hertfordshire.
  major airfield 0.72   If the rebels take Kisangani, the third-largest city, they will control all the major airfields in eastern Zaire.
  new airfield 0.66   Plans to build a new airfield could threaten the delicate ecology of the island.
  former airfield 0.59   The main concern, however, is the former airfield at the seaside suburb of Hellenikon.
  abandoned airfield 0.46   Some abandoned airfields find less exalted uses.
  remote airfield 0.46   With fewer overseas bases, tilt-rotor cargo planes will be needed to airlift mobile forces to remote airfields.
  local airfield 0.39   And that meant going to the local airfield.
  old airfield 0.39   ...a highly restricted area close to the old Khodinka airfield.
  private airfield 0.39   U.S. prosecutors allege Francois used a private airfield in Haiti for the operation.
  serb-controlled airfield 0.33   On Monday, NATO jets bombed a Serb-controlled airfield in Croatia to stop cross-border attacks on Bihac.
  serbian airfield 0.33   U.N. observers are at six Serbian airfields.
  american airfield 0.26   During World War II, Rambusch helped camouflage American airfields from enemy planes.
  auxiliary airfield 0.26   It also includes the return of an auxiliary airfield.
  civilian airfield 0.26   Did it continue as a sort of civilian airfield after the war?
  disused airfield 0.26   ...a disused airfield near Maidenhead.
  hungarian airfield 0.26   The Socialists would like to amend the resolution so that it would rule out a possible NATO attack from Hungarian airfields.
  tajik airfield 0.26   With the Taliban in retreat in Afghanistan, it is unclear whether the United States would need use of a Tajik airfield.
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