treat ailment 2.50   Any ailments should be treated immediately.
  cure ailment 1.51   Others drink it in water or holy water to cure stomach ailments.
  have ailment 1.45   All have legitimate ailments.
  cause ailment 1.32   Very few ailments are caused by a single gene, NuTec President Peter Morrissey said.
  suffer ailment 1.05   But novelists suffer this ailment as well.
  link ailment 0.79   No evidence has been found linking ailments to such weapons, Jessen said.
  diagnose ailment 0.66   Neither hospital diagnosed the ailment.
  discover ailment 0.46   As it turned out, the ailment had been discovered early.
  discuss ailment 0.39   She declined to discuss her ailment.
  describe ailment 0.33   Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice.
  disclose ailment 0.33   Her family did not disclose the ailment.
  relate ailment 0.33   The Astros claimed the latest ailment was not related to his previous injury.
  battle ailment 0.26   Although a few heroes in the past battled this ailment, we in the press suffer the symptoms of verbal people.
  develop ailment 0.26   Victor died of heart failure, several years after developing cardiac ailments that confined him to a wheel chair.
  identify ailment 0.26   When the ailment was identified, experts said there was no remedy.
  nurse ailment 0.26   All of them are nursing various ailments.
  report ailment 0.26   No ailments have been reported from any of the recalled meat.
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