have affair 52.86   A teen whose mother has an affair.
  handle affair 5.60   He has handled the affair with dignity.
  investigate affair 4.15   The IAEA is investigating the affair.
  deny affair 3.55   Condit denies affair!
  discuss affair 3.36   For years, Maynard refused to discuss this affair.
  manage affair 3.16   How dare we tell them how to manage their affairs?
  run affair 3.16   A consulate runs Dutch affairs here.
  conduct affair 2.30   Weather is an important ingredient in conducting human affair.
  end affair 2.30   End the affair and swallow your guilt.
  oversee affair 2.24   The Education Ministry oversees religious affairs.
  begin affair 2.11   The two begin an affair.
  admit affair 1.45   Condit admits affair!
  conceal affair 1.32   The trial is about what the president did to conceal that affair.
  acknowledge affair 1.18   He acknowledged the affair and agreed to a test when threatened with a disciplinary hearing.
  dominate affair 1.12   Rarely has a single nation so dominated world affairs as the United States today.
  cover affair 0.92   The affair was heavily covered in the local media.
  follow affair 0.92   President calls for reconciliation following impeachment affair.
  administer affair 0.79   Our office administers the affairs of the Society.
  probe affair 0.72   Authorities are unaccustomed to criticism and having their affairs probed.
  start affair 0.72   Start an affair with her that destroys your entire world, naturally.
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