company adhere 1.05   The company adheres to its strict privacy standards.
  government adhere 0.79   Despite the financial crisis, the government consistently adhered to this plan, he said.
  administration adhere 0.66   Powell wants the administration to adhere officially to the accords.
  country adhere 0.66   Until then, its member countries should adhere to the embargo.
  party adhere 0.66   However, he has maintained that new parties must adhere to basic principles.
  side adhere 0.59   Both sides should adhere to that.
  member adhere 0.46   The committee assess whether members of OPEC are adhering to production quotas.
  paint adhere 0.46   In general, oil-based paint will adhere better than latex.
  court adhere 0.39   The court adhered to its earlier ruling that the evidence was admissible.
  people adhere 0.39   And people are adhering to the ban, Steinke observed.
  family adhere 0.33   The ruling Al Khalifa family adheres to the rival Sunni sect of Islam.
  firm adhere 0.33   Firms adhere to the higher standard because public attention forces them to do so.
  group adhere 0.33   The group adheres to a well-publicized code of nonviolence, Rosebraugh said.
  bank adhere 0.26   The bank adheres to strict Islamic laws prohibiting interest being earned on transactions, including customer loans.
  participant adhere 0.26   To take part, participants must adhere to principles of nonviolence penned by the talks chairman, former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell.
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