president address 4.34   U.S. president addresses his public.
  government address 3.62   The government would also address fiscal policy.
  leader address 3.29   The new leader should address both.
  step address 2.76   The parents take no steps to address the problem.
  study address 2.57   The study did not address that question.
  report address 2.30   The report repeatedly addressed this concern.
  law address 2.17   Can new laws successfully address the problem?
  plan address 2.11   But that plan does not address the cylinders.
  bill address 2.04   But no major bills addressed this issue.
  court address 2.04   Several lower courts had addressed the issue in the meantime.
  company address 1.97   That company is addressing that.
  official address 1.97   No officials addressed the workers outside the hospital.
  agreement address 1.78   The agreement did not address the status of the Jordan Valley.
  candidate address 1.78   The second candidate addressed the people.
  proposal address 1.78   The proposal would address a severe problem.
  talk address 1.71   Talks may also address U.S. missile strikes against Iraq this week.
  meeting address 1.58   The school held an emergency meeting to address those concerns.
  gore address 1.51   Gore addressed ministers in Dallas.
  letter address 1.45   The letter addressed no other technical issues.
  pope address 1.38   The pope will address seminarians there in a private ceremony.
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