drug addiction 22.19   Drug addiction!
  heroin addiction 4.81   He had battled a heroin addiction for years.
  cocaine addiction 3.95   Cocaine addiction.
  nicotine addiction 2.37   Worries about her nicotine addiction.
  alcohol addiction 1.25   Michael Kennedy later sought treatment for alcohol addiction.
  crack addiction 1.05   Crack addiction is bad.
  tobacco addiction 0.66   He also wrote about battling his tobacco addiction.
  dadah addiction 0.46   The authorities estimate the most serious offence committed by juveniles is dadah addiction.
  sex addiction 0.46   As a purported disease, sex addiction is in vogue.
  cigarette addiction 0.33   The first surprise, to researchers at least, is how variable cigarette addiction can be.
  computer addiction 0.33   What is computer addiction?
  opium addiction 0.33   The Communist Party once prided itself on having rid the Chinese of opium addiction.
  food addiction 0.26   Today, Ms. Cook simply speaks of a food addiction.
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