court action 29.43   Other court action.
  government action 25.02   But government actions still do count.
  strike action 21.59   ...a call for strike action.
  enforcement action 12.38   Only the SEC can take enforcement action.
  protest action 8.29   Police did nothing to stop the protest action.
  libel action 4.54   ...a libel action against the paper.
  labor action 4.48   It pledged to continue the labor action.
  floor action 3.16   Floor action this week.
  committee action 2.70   Committee action is scheduled to begin on Wednesday.
  year action 2.57   Backers predict Senate action this year.
  week action 2.11   Floor action this week.
  rearguard action 2.04   Now a rearguard action is being fought.
  weekend action 2.04   The weekend action is going to be televised live by NBC.
  agency action 1.91   Only a small minority result in agency action.
  season action 1.91   Neither has seen much action this season.
  ground action 1.78   It is opposed to ground action.
  take action 1.78   If a menacing dog lives on your street, take action.
  first-round action 1.65   First-round action begins Friday and Saturday.
  policy action 1.65   These offered a sense of quiet but resolute policy action.
  army action 1.58   Newspapers criticized the army action.
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