government act 16.19   But the government never acted.
  police act 9.55   Then the police acted.
  authority act 5.53   Authorities acted swiftly.
  official act 5.27   University officials finally acted.
  court act 4.74   Now the courts must act.
  company act 4.54   The company had acted in good faith.
  man act 4.21   So every man should act,
  people act 4.08   People are acting like madmen.
  president act 3.23   But on Wednesday, the president did act.
  agency act 2.90   The agency sometimes acts overly cautious.
  board act 2.76   The board would not act.
  officer act 2.76   Other senior officers act as powerful bureaucrats.
  leader act 2.57   Its leader will act as speaker.
  state act 2.57   Both states acted without a public referendum.
  council act 2.24   And some councils are acting in bad faith.
  soldier act 2.24   He said any soldiers were acting alone.
  bank act 2.17   I do not doubt that the bank acted properly.
  troop act 2.17   Mantiri said troops acted properly.
  country act 2.11   Some countries are already acting.
  administration act 2.04   Hess said the administration acted prudently.
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