official acknowledge 92.23   An INS official acknowledged the problem.
  government acknowledge 14.48   The government acknowledges as much.
  company acknowledge 9.61   The company acknowledges as much.
  leader acknowledge 8.56   Leader acknowledges as much.
  executive acknowledge 8.29   Not consistently, executives acknowledge.
  authority acknowledge 6.85   Authorities do not acknowledge the figure.
  side acknowledge 4.28   Both sides have acknowledged reaching an impasse.
  aide acknowledge 4.21   But aides acknowledge that the year ahead will be tough.
  spokesman acknowledge 3.95   A Bush spokesman acknowledged the effort.
  report acknowledge 3.75   The report did acknowledge some signs of success.
  president acknowledge 3.49   The president did not acknowledge the crowd.
  police acknowledge 2.96   The police acknowledge the change.
  diplomat acknowledge 2.90   And diplomats acknowledged that putting the policy fully into force could take years.
  prosecutor acknowledge 2.83   Prosecutors gratefully acknowledged the contributions of both men last week.
  expert acknowledge 2.70   Experts acknowledge it.
  critic acknowledge 2.57   Even critics acknowledged he was ready.
  lawyer acknowledge 2.50   Even the personal injury lawyers acknowledge change.
  supporter acknowledge 2.37   Supporters acknowledge that this appointment is a risk.
  administration acknowledge 2.17   His administration acknowledges a need for diligent follow-through.
  group acknowledge 2.11   The group acknowledged that it had no evidence.
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