full accounting 6.85   Germany demanded a full accounting.
  corporate accounting 2.70   Hanley has worked in auditing, corporate accounting and financial planning.
  false accounting 2.44   He admitted charges of theft and false accounting.
  public accounting 2.24   There is no public accounting of how the money is spent.
  creative accounting 2.17   Creative accounting made it work.
  improper accounting 1.32   The company cited improper accounting practices during the tenure of Al Dunlap as chairman.
  detailed accounting 1.25   He promised a detailed accounting.
  new accounting 1.25   Beyond each confrontation with the Third Reich, a new accounting always lurks.
  major accounting 0.99   An accounting major seeks to juggle numbers more adroitly.
  aggressive accounting 0.92   Then there are companies that use very aggressive accounting.
  questionable accounting 0.92   Enron collapsed into bankruptcy in December amid questionable accounting.
  fuller accounting 0.86   Burton has asked the White House for a fuller accounting.
  dubious accounting 0.79   It also employed dubious accounting, which inflated its revenues and profits.
  final accounting 0.79   There has been no final accounting from Bangladesh.
  financial accounting 0.79   Financial accounting is not a science.
  international accounting 0.79   -- Companies should use a recognized international accounting standard.
  accurate accounting 0.72   Which clock on Earth offers the most accurate accounting of time?
  possible accounting 0.72   He, too, promised to work toward the fullest possible accounting of missing Americans.
  thorough accounting 0.72   Its hallmark is a thorough accounting that makes it easy to judge him with an open mind.
  complete accounting 0.66   It called for a complete accounting for the victims of the Tiananmen attack.
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