genetic abnormality 2.37   The test results showed several genetic abnormalities.
  congenital abnormality 1.51   Anencephalus is, of course, a lethal congenital abnormality.
  chromosomal abnormality 0.79   ...chromosomal abnormalities.
  severe abnormality 0.66   Since childhood I have suffered from a severe overpacking abnormality.
  structural abnormality 0.66   However, scans have revealed structural abnormalities in the brains of many anorexic women.
  physical abnormality 0.46   Or when there is physical abnormality resulting from birth, injury, or aging.
  apparent abnormality 0.33   The veterinary surgeon reported no apparent abnormality.
  cardiac abnormality 0.33   When autopsies were performed, all were found free of any cardiac abnormality.
  electrocardiographic abnormality 0.33   Only six patients in the oxygen group and three in the air group showed no electrocardiographic abnormalities at any stage.
  fetal abnormality 0.33   Some say the law bans virtually all late-term abortions, with no exceptions for severe fetal abnormalities.
  same abnormality 0.33   At necropsy, she had the same abnormalities, although the activities of respiratory chain enzymes were not examined.
  common abnormality 0.26   The most common abnormality in our patients was isolated impairment of prolonged squeezing.
  histological abnormality 0.26   Light microscopical studies of smooth muscle of the fallopian tubes showed no histological abnormalities.
  immunological abnormality 0.26   The remaining three monkeys are ill or have immunological abnormalities related to simian AIDS.
  inherited abnormality 0.26   These rare cases probably are caused by inherited genetic abnormalities.
  motor abnormality 0.26   One was that patients also developed motor abnormalities such as difficulty maintaining balance.
  neurological abnormality 0.26   A resident doctor did examine her, noting only minor neurological abnormalities.
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