41.  Any suggestions you might have would be appreciated."

42.  Any sun exposure is damaging, even if you don't experience painful burning or peeling.

43.  Describe how you would eradicate the odor from same.

44.  Describing Richard Wagner's "Ring" operas: "You cannot pursue power without sabotaging love; you cannot have love without relinquishing power.

45.  Describing the complexities that make this concept work, Ogden says, "You've got food _ that's the easy part."

46.  Describing the monster, which I assure you I will do, would rob the "big surprise" from viewers.

47.  Description: One of the most comprehensive airline sites where you can also rent a car and book a hotel room.

48.  Descriptions have been less than flattering, unless you are a drug dealer looking to relocate.

49.  Design a computer and then use it to help you design a better computer, ad infinitum.

50.  Design the forest as you like, using the directions detailed in the recipe as a guide (pictured on the cover).

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