31.  A combination of the two processes means that you can use seven years of unused tax relief in one tax year.

32.  A compelling performance consequence can always be found, if only you choose to find, communicate, and manage toward it.

33.  A concave underwater shape will give superior performance when you progress to an intermediate level.

34.  A conveyor belt brings you the latest catch, which you then gut, clean and pack for freezing.

35.  A couple of problems cropped up while you were away.

36.  A crash diet will leave you hungry, you will binge and you will not get anywhere.

37.  A dangerous question, because now you begin to notice the very subtle condescension.

38.  A Decade from now we might, as you suggest, be wondering what all the fuss was about.

39.  A Deceitful day that makes one think of lilacs and daffodils, before blasting you with another cannonade of winter.

40.  A demand from your boss that you babysit his children is clearly unreasonable.

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